Ju Jiandong, Chair Professor of Finance at Tsinghua PBCSF, Director of Center for International Finance and Economic Research (CIFER) and Director of Research Center for International Digital Capital (IDC), visited “Focus Today” program on CCTV 4. During the interview, Ju Jiandong said that the "chip ban" by the United States is a bill that harms others without benefiting itself. The two most important things for high-tech enterprises are: innovation and market. The so-called "chip ban" seems to be a very unwise joint action for the leaders of South Korea and the United States to ruin the market of Korean and American companies. Ju Jiandong illustrated that the competition and development in the high-tech field calls for a virtuous circle of "innovation-market". Ju Jiandong reminded China enterprises to keep a clear mind and give made-in-China technology a certain market share. Enterprises downstream that need chips, such as makers of mobile phones and automobiles, must ensure that a certain proportion of China chips are used, such as 30%, making the "innovation-market" cycle work.